My "blind" landscape experience

Publié le par Julien Coquillou

AET agronomist descriptor Julien COQUILLOU

Drawers: Stephane, Anne-emmanuelle, Pierre-Yves, Michaël

 Descriptor Observations

I made a very technical description dividing the landscape in 4 plans. I began with the background following with closer and closer plans. I also divided the drawing in quarters from leftb to right to give an idea of the sizes on the deepness and the largeness.


The method used was geometrical, giving global shapes to describe no indication the lands uses. I only gave elements on the vegetation and farming practices for the closer plan where i was able to distinguish details.

There were no cities or buildings on the landscape chosen.

 About the drawings: all of them respect quite precisely the sizes and proportions. The background plan is well drawn even if I gave few information. There is a lateral distorsion between the drawings.

 Blinders drawers description :

We felt very surprised to have only a geometrical desciption using a grid to locate the elements.

For all the drawers :

  • We get lost in the scale

For EAPbdx students :

  • it asked us to go deaper in our imagination

For AET students :

We didn´t know the type of landscape :

  • Was it a bocage or an open landscape ?
  • Were there cities or villages ?
  • Was it an agriculture landscape or an urban one ?

We noticed those elements even if the describer was an agronomist.

Interest and limits :

The interest of the method is that the descibers give the elements which are the most important for him especially if he doesn´t have many time. It would be a good idea to use the method with different kind of people like elected people, farmers, tourists in order to compare their perceptions of landscape.

The limits are in our exemple that people from Auvergne could be influenced by their knowledge of the region. It´s difficult to abstact the models we know.


Publié dans feelings and opinions

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