J9 : first draft presentation

Publié le par Yves Michelin

The day started by two very motivating lectures from Cecil (Territorial branding) and Leifh (local heritage in Braknean valley)
THen, the groups started to prepare the presentation of their work, planned to be exposed at 4.00 pm

the groups worked hard and were ready at time. The major of Ronneby assisted to the presentation and a discussion started with him with very rich exchanges It was very pleasant to see how the student's work has served as a basis for a serious discussion about the future of this place

After these intense hours of work, we were very relax to appreciate the wild boar meal prepared by Ninni's father specially for us.

An other intense day that ended with Matej guitar play.

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It all looks as you are having a real great time. I have also confirmed that with Isabel - she really was srry to live you and come back to Evora - it is not so bad here, but nothing to compete with a LAMB course... As far as I can follow from here, it is today the first great day with the presentation - hope the best!Thoughts to all from Teresa