Saturday morning the 2nd of June : Anne Katrine's lecture

Publié le par Yves Michelin

Today, Anne Katrine presented her reflexions about "landscape authorship", or how convergingand diverging area perceptions unto imaginative dialogue. ANN-Katrine-lecture

In fact, it is the main aim of this course to consider the landscape not anly as a part of an area but also as a personal interpretation of this part of area by persons who live there or who look at it. Continuing iin the direction designed by M. Seel (1996) she proposed us a grid in three steps to understand the process of appreciation of the landscape (the contemplative dimension related to matter of interest and perceptions, the corresponding dimension related to practices and the imaginative dimension that permit each to imagine new stories about this landscape related to relations and values). A very intersting perspecitve which we will deal with during this course.

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