day 5 : first interviews

Publié le par Yves Michelin

We started by 3 lectures. First of all Caroline presented her research in Brabygden and Braknean River with  young generation's interviews, than I made a presentation of how to analyse farming practices related to landscape changes then Eva who has just arrived presented the implementation of landscape convention and how to deal with. A very interesting and usefull presentation that has given many ideas for the work.
We ate earlier to spare time for the field work. The groups split and started to visit people and drive interviews. Many thanks to our helpers Terese and Stina for having prepared the meetings yesterday evening.

Rain came back in the end of the afternoon but it doesn't stop our enthousiasm. During the dinner, the Slovenian started to sing a song to say good bye to Isabel who must leave us before the end of the seminar. Next year she promised us to stay all the time.

It was also the opportunity for our Slovnian guitar player to create the specific song of the seminar "Roland along the Brakenean river "

other pictures will follow in a moment

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