First field trip

Publié le par Yves Michelin

Monday, the 23rd of may, 4.30 pm


DIscovering the fjord and the river coast from the sea is an amazing experience, especially when the weather is fine.

We started by a general presentation of the municipality by Jan Frederik Sund who has in charge the agricultural program of developpement.

at farsund









 Then we took a small boat and started our trip through the samll islands. It is difficult to imagine how many they are. But, nowadays,  it is also difficult to appreciate this original scenary, especially due to the abandonment of grazing, that let the shrubs and trees colonizating the ancient heath. It will certainly be a part of our work to imagine specific farming systems that combine the creation of openend landscapes with enough profit for  farmers. For the moment, the municipality must burn the shrubs, reintroduce animals for grazing and it is a hard job. 



This landscape which look like wild is the result of a long history, as explained us Jan Frederik. For instance, it is difficult to understand why this place is occupated now, without knowing that during the Napoleonic war, between 1818 and 1812, the fishermen from Losham have been allowed by the King to be pirates against English ships ; a decision that has permitted them to be less poor, as attested by the richness of the architecture of this remote harbor.



  Losham harbor


Back to the coast, the weather had changed, windy, cloudy and at the end a little bit rainy. It hasn't stopped us in our investigations ; visiting an ancient military fort from the Germans, during the second world war, having a look from the light tower of Lista, discovering the sandy coast where Nature based tourism is planned but with many difficulties to conciliate nature conservation and ecotourism development; another topic which  we will have to deal with.




             Landscape architec still in work                                                   On the field with a new guide


Diner at 6.00 pm and evening work at 7.30 pm. Next issue may be this evening, may be tomorrow morning!

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