The Elk expedition

Publié le par Sarah Roussel

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Dear landscape ambassador collegues, after hard group work yesterday Andora, Petra, Urshka and I went for a drive in the fjord. After 15 minutes driving I found out they were not out to see the landscape but to search for some elks!! (one of Petra's expectations in the landscape ambassador). After meeting 3 spirited roe deers, we arrived at a stony elklike place. We were about to leave when I saw this horse-like animal staring at us. This young boy crossed the road in an elegant pace in front of us!! After that we spent half an hour staring at him, and him staring at us 20 meters far. Petra crawled on the roof of the car (sorry about that) like in an african safari to make this beautiful picture.We had to leave because a car arrived behind us.

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I proposed we call him Roland.


ERRATUM!! Jan Frederik said that Roland was a girl, she's about 3 years old and she's pregnant!


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