J4 : Running for the methodology

Publié le par Yves Michelin

After long discussions, everybody considered that a new visit on the field had to be done to define better where focussing the work and why. While a part of the group was crossing the valley from the top to the bottom or from South to North, West to East, the others were phoning to take the first meeting (tomorrow, everything is closed and after, it’s the WE) or preparing maps, collecting statistics and sorting and printing old postcards that Catarina found at the Archives.


Some who were thinking about a 3 D model (scale 1/10000) that could be used for the discussions during the enquiries, bought the material and started to work. Andrej travelled on "google map" and produced several 3D views from the place. Luc maid a invitation that will be given to people the students will meet… and a lot of other things that will be developed on a future issue.

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